Why Hire an Excavation Contractor for Earthmoving in Richland County, Ohio?

Congratulations! You’ve bought the most beautiful piece of virgin land in Richland, County Ohio. You’ve gotten all the permits and approvals to build your new home. Now comes the fun part–putting up that castle of yours. Before you start building, however, a good deal of site preparation work will need to be completed. You’ll need someone to clear trees, grade and excavate for your septic system and foundation, dig for that inground pool you’ve planned for and more. Suffice it to say, a lot of earthmoving will be required. You need to hire an excavator.

What is Earthmoving?

Earthmoving is exactly what the word suggests. It’s the moving of huge amounts of earth typically for digging deep into the earth with the use of heavy machinery like excavators, bulldozers, backhoes, and trenchers.

Preparing land for new home construction is only one example of what an excavator is used for. With their nearly 100-foot-long arm reach and cab with the ability to rotate 180 degrees, these versatile machines are also used for digging trenches, to lay utility pipes and lines, for prep work involved in road and driveway construction, for digging mines, for dredging rivers or for demolishing buildings and walls.

Excavators can also be used with attachments like augers and breakers to drill holes in the earth or pound through stone. They can be affixed with clamps to lift huge rocks or other heavy objects. The arm and bucket of an excavator can be used to fill trucks that will haul away excavated dirt and debris.

Needless to say, excavators are powerful, sophisticated pieces of equipment that are best handled by professionals. If you have an earthmoving project near on your horizon in Richland County, Ohio, you should hire a professional excavation contractor.

Why Hire an Excavation Contractor?

Large earthmoving equipment is a necessity in the construction industry, but it can spell disaster if used unsafely or improperly. While some DIYers may feel they can “learn as they go” or that if they know how to drive a truck, a piece of excavation equipment can’t be all that big a deal. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

There is a good reason why excavation contractors and the people who use their equipment are required to be certified to operate such machinery. Eagle Eye Excavating & Construction demonstrates we have the knowledge and ability to handle such equipment and that they understand and can comply with all safety requirements.

But it’s not just the equipment one needs to understand. It’s how disturbed land reacts with the elements. Before the excavation portion of a project begins, excavation contractors are typically involved in ensuring proper drainage and erosion and sedimentary control measures are in place. These may include the installation of silt fencing or plastic sheeting, the placement of hay bales or mulch, or even adding some plantings.

When you hire an excavation contractor for your Richland, Ohio, we invite you to contact us, as we have the experience you need for your excavation project.

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